var win = Ti.UI.createWindow(); // create an imageview and set it to the width and height of your images var loaderImage = Ti.UI.createImageView({ width:54, height:54 }); // add it to your window win.add(loaderImage); // set the length of the images you have in your sequence var loaderArrayLength=12; // initialize the index to 1 var loaderIndex=1; // this function will be called by the setInterval function loadingAnimation(){ // set the image property of the imageview by constructing the path with the loaderIndex variable loaderImage.image = "images/loader-sequence/frame" + loaderIndex + ".png"; //increment the index so that next time it loads the next image in the sequence loaderIndex++; // if you have reached the end of the sequence, reset it to 1 if(loaderIndex===13)loaderIndex=1; } // start the setInverval -- adjust the time to make a smooth animation var loaderAnimate = setInterval(loadingAnimation,80);;
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